chris.baugh@bpfla.com says:<\/div>
Elliott, here is the listing for the entire property. The property considered is 148 acres with all the buildings for less money.<\/div>



Listed: <\/strong>Oct 12, 2023<\/p><\/div><\/td><\/tr>

Horseman Haven Ranch is a fully operating Horse Boarding facility. Beautiful property just minutes from Lava Hot Springs and bordered by Hwy & BLM. 200 acre dry farm, horse boarding, and one room cabin are income producing. Perfect grazing and hunting ground with mixed terrain. A newly installed indoor arena 80X100 with electricity & fully fenced. Also included: work shop w\/220, Quonset hut 100X4...<\/p>





Listed: <\/strong>Oct 12, 2023<\/p><\/div><\/td><\/tr>

Horseman Haven Ranch is a fully operating Horse Boarding facility. Beautiful property just minutes from Lava Hot Springs and near public land. 120 acre dry farm, horse boarding, and one room cabin are income producing. Perfect grazing and hunting ground with mixed terrain. A newly installed indoor arena 80X100 with electricity & fully fenced. Also included: work shop w\/220, Quonset hut 100X40, 3 ...<\/p>


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