shebuilds@q.com says:<\/div>
Hi Rhonda!\nHere is the listing I activated this morning. Let me know if there is anything you would like changed. This won't show the private remarks to agents regarding Felipe, nor our request for pre-qualification for buyers and that you will give access to the Home Inspection for buyers giving you a written offer. <\/div>



Listed: <\/strong>Jan 12, 2024<\/p><\/div><\/td><\/tr>

Check off your wants and needs in this beauty, conveniently located on the West side. A roomy entryway off the covered front porch leads you to an office with hardwood floor. The open floor plan includes the family room with gas fireplace, breakfast\/dining nook and kitchen with hardwood floors and cabinets galore. Plenty of windows provide natural light in the main floor living area, dining no...<\/p>


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