Chappy kel has created a Saved Search

The Saved Search is Saved Search #2<\/b>
There are 3<\/b> properties that match this search criteria

Click on the property to go to the live listing on https:\/\/snakerivermls.com



Listed: <\/strong>May 01, 2023<\/p><\/div><\/td><\/tr>

Welcome to your dream home in Menan, Idaho! This stunning property boasts an open concept design with two-story ceilings and breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape. As you enter, you will be greeted by a spacious living room that seamlessly flows into the dining area and gourmet kitchen. The modern kitchen features ample cabinet & counter space for all your cooking needs. Upstairs, you wi...<\/p>





Listed: <\/strong>May 01, 2023<\/p><\/div><\/td><\/tr>

Riverfront land sitting one 1 acre. This property is surrounded with year long views of the Snake River and Menan Buttes. Room to play or space to build, this lot is ready for you!<\/p>





Listed: <\/strong>May 01, 2023<\/p><\/div><\/td><\/tr>

Riverfront land sitting one 1 acre. This property is surrounded with year long views of the Snake River and Menan Buttes. Room to play or space to build, this lot is ready for you!<\/p>


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