Brooke has created a Saved Search

The Saved Search is Saved Search #12<\/b>
There are 3<\/b> properties that match this search criteria

Click on the property to go to the live listing on https:\/\/snakerivermls.com



Listed: <\/strong>May 29, 2023<\/p><\/div><\/td><\/tr>

Great Country Location with Tons of Potential. This 1913 home with a rock foundation on a half acre has beautiful sunset views and is ready for a new owner to move in while doing some projects or do a total rehab\/period renovation---lots of options with this property. Newer doors, newer windows, & a minisplit (heating & cooling) already installed. The Well Pump was replaced 3 years ago & the Pres...<\/p>





Listed: <\/strong>May 29, 2023<\/p><\/div><\/td><\/tr>

Wonderful home with a great floor plan. This is a Kitwest home model 2032LS. The home is in excellent condition. Three bedrooms (one of the bedrooms is set up as an office), and 2 full bathrooms. This home will need to be moved from its current location.<\/p>





Listed: <\/strong>May 29, 2023<\/p><\/div><\/td><\/tr>

New improved price. Must be moved. Clean 1998 Guerdon, sheet rock, mini split heater a\/c, wheel chair ramp is included as is the wooden front deck. Lived in by an elderly single lady for most of it's life.<\/p>


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