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The Saved Search is Saved Search #1<\/b>
There are 2<\/b> properties that match this search criteria

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Listed: <\/strong>Jun 07, 2023<\/p><\/div><\/td><\/tr>

FIXER UPPER. This unique property has 2 homes. Both homes are Fixer Uppers. The larger home consists of Main Floor: Kitchen, Living Room, Family Room with Fireplace Stove, 2 Bedrooms, 1 Bath, Second Floor: Master Bedroom, Master Bath, 1 additional bedroom. The Second Home could be a Mother In Law Home, Office, a Rental or whatever your needs might be. It consists of: Kitchen, Living Room, Bedroom,...<\/p>





Listed: <\/strong>Jun 07, 2023<\/p><\/div><\/td><\/tr>

Welcome to 6059 W Arco Hwy. This charming home is sitting on a spacious 2 acre lot with water rights on the Idaho Falls west side. Conveniently located, the Idaho National Laboratory is just a hop and a skip to the west. Take it easy on this peaceful property by taking advantage of the large covered back patio, or enjoy the room to roam on the large lot. This home has 4 bedrooms and 1.5 bathrooms,...<\/p>


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