Amy sojourn has created a Saved Search

The Saved Search is Saved Search #6<\/b>
There are 3<\/b> properties that match this search criteria

Click on the property to go to the live listing on https:\/\/snakerivermls.com



Listed: <\/strong>Jul 17, 2023<\/p><\/div><\/td><\/tr>

Check out this HUGE SHOP with an apartment and room to build house!!! Come live in this while you build your house! This property lies in the heart of Ririe and has an enormous shop with room to build a house! Stay in the completely renovated apartment or rent it out for extra income. Tons of possibilities with this one!!!!<\/p>





Listed: <\/strong>Jul 17, 2023<\/p><\/div><\/td><\/tr>

MAJOR PRICE REDUCTION!! Beautifully remodeled manufactured home located on just under 1\/2 acre lot. This home is like brand new. New insulation, carpet, paint, kitchen cabinets. New electrical, new plumbing. Walk in closet in the primary bedroom. Four large bedrooms and 2 brand new beautiful bathrooms. Lots of storage. All work done with county inspections. Shed outside for storage. Stop looking a...<\/p>





Listed: <\/strong>Jul 17, 2023<\/p><\/div><\/td><\/tr>

Wonderful home with a great floor plan. This is a Kitwest home model 2032LS. The home is in excellent condition. Three bedrooms (one of the bedrooms is set up as an office), and 2 full bathrooms. This home will need to be moved from its current location.<\/p>


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