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The Saved Search is Saved Search #2<\/b>
There are 2<\/b> properties that match this search criteria

Click on the property to go to the live listing on https:\/\/snakerivermls.com



Listed: <\/strong>Dec 27, 2023<\/p><\/div><\/td><\/tr>

Great home on a corner lot in the heart of Ashton. This rare find is a 4 bed 3 bath home with plenty of room and storage for all your needs. 3 bedrooms upstairs and one bath. Downstairs is the main bedroom with big double closets, master bath and one more bath. Nice bright living and dining room, bright and cheery kitchen and large laundry room with space for second fridge\/freezer. Beautiful deck ...<\/p>





Listed: <\/strong>Dec 27, 2023<\/p><\/div><\/td><\/tr>

Marysville- Out of Ashton. Single wide trailer has 1 bedroom and 1 full bathroom. Electric furnace for heat. Sits on .45 of an acre. Has a large garage for all your belongings. Horses are allowed. Nice corner lot. Private well and septic. Quiet area. Call listing agent for details.<\/p>


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