tobynicastro@gmail.com says:<\/div>
Hello, can you tell me the difference between unit 6A and 7B? Specs look the same so I wanted to understand the price difference. Does one have a private rooftop and the other does not? \nIf you can describe the location of each of the units per the layout photo that would be helpful. \nAlso, is each unit a single story or 2 story?\nI will be visiting the first week of December, but my mom lives in Pescadero and may reach out sooner to see the units on my behalf.<\/div>



Listed: <\/strong>Oct 04, 2023<\/p><\/div><\/td><\/tr>

Cerritos Sunrise - Great opportunity to own in one of the most successful resort projects in Cerritos, with great views and awesome landscapings.Furniture and appliance package. Expectacular location and close to surfable and swimable beaches, feel the experience to live close to the ocean and enjoy all what Cabo has to offer you. Be a part of the Barefoot Luxury family. Pre-sale pricing offered ...<\/p>


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