verdugo.marina@gmail.com says:<\/div>
Hi Dane,\nMy husband and I are looking to buy a lot in the East Cape. We are interested to identify what is available in \"Punta Perfecta\". It looks like Lot #17 and #18 are available for sale. Could you please confirm if the lots are still available and the selling price?\n\nregards,\nMarina Verdugo & Phillip Burns<\/div>



Listed: <\/strong>Jan 04, 2024<\/p><\/div><\/td><\/tr>

Punta Perfecta Esmeralda is a private gated Beach Front community of only 22 lots. Located in the Vinorama area and close to the famed Punta Perfecta surf spot. Lot 17 is located off the main street which is paved with curbs making this a unique community. Just 21 miles from the International Airport. Access is easy. This is a great community to build your Baja Get Away.Punta Perfecta Esmeralda es...<\/p>


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