
Waqas Shafiq<\/strong> has contacted you from https:\/\/paradise-realestate.com.<\/p>

Waqas Shafiq<\/p>




Hello Ananda,\n\nI hope you're doing well. I wanted to say thanks for your helpful blog posts about Tahoe. I've learned a lot about real estate from them.\n\nI'm Waqas, an Engineering Manager at Apple, living in San Jose with my wife and two kids. We're from Sweden and moved here in 2019. We really miss the mountains and snow, so we're thinking about getting a permanent home near Tahoe. We're used to tough winters, and we like the good schools and beautiful neighborhoods there.\n\nOur plan is to buy an empty piece of land close to Lake Tahoe or Donner Lake, surrounded by trees, and with things like water, sewer, electricity, internet available. The size we're thinking about is between 5000 to 10,000 square feet.\n\nWe heard about IPES scores and permits for building, and we'll need help with that. Can you assist us? We're planning to pay in cash and have $150K,-$200K to spend.\n\nYour advice would mean a lot as we start this journey. Thanks for considering, and I'm looking forward to hearing from you.\n\nBest regards,\n\nWaqas<\/p>
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