
Kaelan Fennell<\/strong> has contacted you from https:\/\/paradise-realestate.com.<\/p>

Kaelan Fennell<\/p>




\nHello! My name is Kaelan Fennell. My fiance and I are wanting to buy a house in Lake Tahoe. We operate a short-term rental business in San Diego. We spend a significant amount of time in Lake Tahoe and love being there. Our goal is to find a property that allows us to continue our short-term rental business for part of the year while also serving as our residence for the remainder. We're aware of the restrictions in South Lake Tahoe regarding short-term rentals. So we need to find a house that allows us to rent it out. We're seeking assistance from someone knowledgeable about the short-term rental market who can notify us of any potential leads as they arise. If you have any insights or recommendations, we'd greatly appreciate it!<\/p>
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