
Kerrie Russell<\/strong> has contacted you from https:\/\/martenteam.com.<\/p>

Kerrie Russell<\/p>




Ms. Marten,\n\nI am the VP of Fundraising for the Hudson Middle School Band Boosters here in Sachse. We are currently in midst of our annual Practice-a-Thon fundraiser. This year we are looking for sponsors for our band program. Being a band sponsor, you will have your company logo and website on the sponsors page of our band website for the rest of the school year. Our sponsor levels are: Bronze $150-$499, Silver $500-$749, Gold $750-$999, and Platinum $1,000+. Currently, we do not have a realtor as a sponsor and we do not have a Silver or Gold sponsor yet either. We'd be honored if you would consider partnering with this amazing band program by becoming one of our '24-'25 sponsors. If you decide to donate, we can arrange for a check payable to Hudson Middle School Band Boosters to be picked up or it can be mailed to the school at 4405 Hudson Dr., Sachse 75048 to the attention of our band director, Heather Becker. Thank you for taking time to consider this request!<\/p>
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