Dee Remark<\/strong> has contacted you from https:\/\/<\/p>Name:<\/strong>
Dee Remark<\/p>Email:<\/strong><\/p>Phone:<\/strong>
I have been looking at condos at Montenerro at Pelican Bay and your name comes up a lot. I am looking for a realtor that knows Naples and Pelican Bay really well. My husband and I would be interested in seeing units 402, 403, and 605. We currently have a condo at the Colony in Bonita Springs and my parents have had different condos in Pelican Bay for 35 years. They are currently in St Raphael's. We are available tomorrow, Tuesday, Saturday and Sunday of this coming week. We could be available Friday afternoon if nothing else works out. We are headed to a conference Wednesday to Friday in St Petersburg. Let me know if you can help and thank you!! <\/p>
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