
Brooke Gibson<\/strong> has contacted you from https:\/\/poseknowscabo.com.<\/p>

Brooke Gibson<\/p>




Hello, we are very interested in VELAMAR CALLE SANTA BARBARA. We are specifically looking for a property in this development, preferably a unit that comes with the membership to the Grand Velas. We had an offer on a property, but it fell through (due to possession date), and are heartbroken. We would very much like to be notified if any other units in this development come up for sale.<\/p>



Listed: <\/strong>Jan 14, 2024<\/p><\/div><\/td><\/tr>

Ground Floor with a door to walk out to the pool from the balcony!!! These Luxury condominiums are full ownership and are ready for delivery. They are 3 bedroom 3 bathroom Luxury condominiums all with a fabulous ocean view! Each building has a pool and common areas. One car Garage assigned parking per condo. Very quiet neighborhood. By becoming a Velamar owner you can have the option to buy a memb...<\/p>


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