
Jerry Mansfield<\/strong> has contacted you from https:\/\/poseknowscabo.com.<\/p>

Jerry Mansfield<\/p>




I am curious to get some more information about this property for sale. I noticed it has been on MLS for 1 year yet the price has remained the same. Would they be interested in a long term rental or for sale only? Also can you provide information about the closest community or shopping?<\/p>



Listed: <\/strong>Sep 02, 2024<\/p><\/div><\/td><\/tr>

This stylish residence is a great option for the adventurous mind looking to connect with nature and the ocean while enjoying a nicely equipped home. Recently completed, this single-level home offers three bedrooms, two and a half bathrooms, a full kitchen and a cozy living and dining room, highlighting beautiful views of the azure water of the Mar de Cortes. The primary en-suite bedroom connects ...<\/p>


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