Greg and Samantha Shaw<\/strong> has contacted you from https:\/\/<\/p>Name:<\/strong>
Greg and Samantha Shaw<\/p>Email:<\/strong><\/p>Phone:<\/strong>
334-467-2453 (my wife\u00e2\u0080\u0099s cell)<\/p><\/p>
My wife and I are interested in an unrestricted lot on Smith Lake with either year round or seasonal water accessibility. We currently have our RV at BayPoint on Logan Martin Lake but would like to transfer to Smith Lake to be closer to family who live in Cullman. We use the RV for weekend getaways. I have been looking at your listings and other listings in the area and have noticed a few unrestricted lots for sale with water and power utilities nearby. I know I would need to have a septic tank installed as well, and probably a boat dock. The size of the lot could vary, depending on the price. The two biggest concerns for us are location ( within 30 or so minutes from the Cullman area and price). I have noticed that some of these lots are priced in the 30 to 100 thousand dollar range. Given that we will have to install utilities , boat dock, fencing for our dogs etc., the price of the lot is a key consideration. I am very familiar with Logan Martin Lake, having enjoyed it for most of my life, but I know nothing about Smith Lake. I originally heard your name mentioned on Leland Whaley\u00e2\u0080\u0099s radio program . My wife and I have known Leland for about 20 years, and he speaks highly of you. If you think you could be of any assistance, please let me know. All the best, Greg Shaw.<\/p>
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