
Flora Byk<\/strong> has contacted you from https:\/\/homejane.com.<\/p>

Flora Byk<\/p>




Hi, we are the interior designer of 212 Copa De Oro house and our client (the owner of the house) and his assistant sent to all People who use the pictures of his house to erased all of them from internet and instagram. Could you please confirm us that you have well taking into account this request and that you will do so ? \nThe picture you share are not main to be published. \nThank you for your understanding. \nBest regards, \nFlora Byk<\/p>



Listed: <\/strong>Nov 27, 2024<\/p><\/div><\/td><\/tr>

A stunning Bel-Air estate completely remodeled and restored with meticulous detail beyond perfection. Wallace Neff and John Byers 1928 masterpiece "El Mirasol" former home of Orson Wells, Diane Keaton, and many other luminaries. Incredible storied architecture combined with state of the art modern amenities. Centered around a stunning mission style courtyard & featuring thick plaster wal...<\/p>


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