llireva@gmail.com says:<\/div>
Hi there,\n\nI'm writing to enquire about the home at 96 Canon Park Drive in Boulder. I'm not currently based in CO but will be moving this spring. I was wondering if you had any more detailed info about the house & property I could take a look at at this time. \n\nThanks for your time,\nAverill<\/div>



Listed: <\/strong>Jan 18, 2024<\/p><\/div><\/td><\/tr>

A character-filled hideaway steeped in nature offers a retreat nestled in Boulder Canyon. An ideal basecamp for mountain living with the amenities of Boulder just minutes away, this residence showcases easy access to nature paths, Eldora Ski Resort and downtown Boulder. The unique location places residents in a quiet enclave surrounded by trees for added privacy. Enter into this home to find the u...<\/p>


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