sydniespears3@gmail.com says:<\/div>
Hi Christian, \n\nMy husband and I are starting the process of looking for land to build. We say the lot 8165 Raphael Lane, Littleton, CO, 80125 is up for sale. We are curious if this lot already has utilities or if that would be something we need to do. Also hoping you could outline what it might cost to get this lot build ready, assuming we can bring our own builder? \n\nAll the best,\nSydnie <\/div>



Listed: <\/strong>Aug 11, 2024<\/p><\/div><\/td><\/tr>

A rare opportunity for development awaits on this 19,820-square-foot lot in Ravenna. Situated within a coveted golf course community, this nearly half-acre property is prepared for designing and building a personalized vision of a Colorado dream home. Picturesque mountain views unfold in the distance crafting a serene setting. A gated entrance welcomes residents into this luxurious community boast...<\/p>


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