adrianakammerer@gmail.com says:<\/div>
Hi Lauren-- my name is Adriana and I got your name from McKenna Bush. We ran a lot together when I lived in Boston! When I told her I was moving to Denver, she mentioned that you would be a great resource when it came time to buy a house. My fianc\u00c3\u00a9 and I are starting our search for our first home. We are looking primarily in Arvada and Lakewood for a townhome-- we currently live near Congress Park and would like to be a little closer to the mountains. I look forward to hearing from you! --Adriana<\/div><\/div>","text":null,"subject":"You have a new inquiry \/\/ mhmhomes.com","from_email":"Info@RoverIDX.com","from_name":"adrianakammerer@gmail.com","to":[{"email":"ldaniels@milehimodern.com","type":"to"}],"headers":{"Reply-To":"adrianakammerer@gmail.com"},"important":false,"track_opens":true,"track_clicks":true,"auto_text":true,"auto_html":false,"inline_css":true,"url_strip_qs":null,"preserve_recipients":null,"view_content_link":null,"tracking_domain":"https:\/\/www.mhmhomes.com","signing_domain":"https:\/\/www.mhmhomes.com","return_path_domain":null,"tags":["email ask question"],"subaccount":"2295","ok":true}