Aleyammajosephvarkey@gmail.com says:<\/div>
We were in in CO Arwada to my daughter. We planned to drive to see the property unfortunately I was sick we could not make it we are from NJ since my daughter is there we thought we will move closer to her. Can I please ask you if you can take a movie of the. Property including front of the property, back of the property, and both sides of the property. Is there a water bed like river or mountain water for water useage Please let me know.<\/div>



Listed: <\/strong>Aug 21, 2024<\/p><\/div><\/td><\/tr>

This 70-acre lot is located directly off Hwy 159 which runs north\/south between southern Colorado & New Mexico! The lot is very level, showcasing 360 views of the Sangre De Cristo mountains and San Juan mountains, and is ready for whatever you have planned! Whether it be camping, building, or bringing livestock to graze. Costilla County Land Use & Building Requirements will apply - septic will be ...<\/p>


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