arace@cogirusa.com says:<\/div>
Hello Barbara, my name is Alex Race and I'm one of the activities coordinators for a senior living community in Cherry Creek, called Acoya Cherry Creek. I got your name and recommendation by an artist named, Sarah Kelly. Every quarter we have a featured artist that we display on a couple of walls on our top floor for residents and employees to have the opportunity to purchase. After a few weeks of presenting your art we will have the artist do a presentation party which we invite all the residents, future residents and all friends and family are welcome. We have about 18 hooks to fill and we want to precede with this in the next week or so. Please let me know if this is any interest to you. If this is too soon we could talk in the future for the winter months. Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you!\n\narace@cogirusa.com\n720-668-0961 ext. 209<\/div><\/div>","text":null,"subject":"You have a new inquiry \/\/ mhmhomes.com","from_email":"Info@RoverIDX.com","from_name":"arace@cogirusa.com","to":[{"email":"babs@milehimodern.com","type":"to"}],"headers":{"Reply-To":"arace@cogirusa.com"},"important":false,"track_opens":true,"track_clicks":true,"auto_text":true,"auto_html":false,"inline_css":true,"url_strip_qs":null,"preserve_recipients":null,"view_content_link":null,"tracking_domain":"https:\/\/www.mhmhomes.com","signing_domain":"https:\/\/www.mhmhomes.com","return_path_domain":null,"tags":["email ask question"],"subaccount":"2295","ok":true}