Hi Susie, \n\nJen Dineen here. Long time no see! As a reminder, you were my buyers agent for the purchase of my current house at 11410 W. 84th Place in Arvada. I've decided to move back to VA and need to sell the Arvada house. Naturally, I thought of you. It's not in your current focus area, but I'd love to work with you again if you'd be interested. <\/div><\/div>","text":null,"subject":"You have a new inquiry \/\/","from_email":"","from_name":"","to":[{"email":"","type":"to"}],"headers":{"Reply-To":""},"important":false,"track_opens":true,"track_clicks":true,"auto_text":true,"auto_html":false,"inline_css":true,"url_strip_qs":null,"preserve_recipients":null,"view_content_link":null,"tracking_domain":"https:\/\/","signing_domain":"https:\/\/","return_path_domain":null,"tags":["email ask question"],"subaccount":"2295","ok":true}