stphn.png@gmail.com says:<\/div>
Hi Kim,\n\nMy partner and I are looking to purchase our first home in the Boulder County area. We have lived in North Boulder for the last three years and love the feel of the neighborhood while being close to the activities that downtown Boulder has to offer as well as the feel of the college town. We have been monitoring home prices in the area and fully recognize there is likely nothing in Boulder-proper that is within our price range so we are looking into the surrounding areas like Lafayette, Erie, Louisville, etc. The price range we are looking to stay within is between $600,000- $700,000. We are looking for a standalone home - 3+ br \/ 2+ ba and ideally around 2000+ sq feet. \n\nOur neighbors, Bre and Brendan Foley, recommended you and we would love to discuss with you to see if this is something you could assist us with! \n\nThanks,\nStephen<\/div><\/div>","text":null,"subject":"You have a new inquiry \/\/ mhmhomes.com","from_email":"Info@RoverIDX.com","from_name":"stphn.png@gmail.com","to":[{"email":"kthompson@milehimodern.com","type":"to"}],"headers":{"Reply-To":"stphn.png@gmail.com"},"important":false,"track_opens":true,"track_clicks":true,"auto_text":true,"auto_html":false,"inline_css":true,"url_strip_qs":null,"preserve_recipients":null,"view_content_link":null,"tracking_domain":"https:\/\/www.mhmhomes.com","signing_domain":"https:\/\/www.mhmhomes.com","return_path_domain":null,"tags":["email ask question"],"subaccount":"2295","ok":true}