mbaumann17@comcast.net says:<\/div>
Hi Molly,\nWe got your information from Jason Duarte and Bethany. We are visiting Jason and Bethany in a couple of weeks, arriving on October 18th and leaving the 23rd. It would be nice if we could meet with you to talk about retirement living in Colorado. We are planning to move near Jason and Bethany in a few years. If you have time, we would like to meet with you on either Monday or Tuesday, October 21st or 22nd. Please let us know the date and times that would be most convenient for you.\nWe appreciate your time.\nBest wishes,\nLydia and Michael <\/div><\/div>","text":null,"subject":"You have a new inquiry \/\/ mhmhomes.com","from_email":"Info@RoverIDX.com","from_name":"mbaumann17@comcast.net","to":[{"email":"molly@milehimodern.com","type":"to"}],"headers":{"Reply-To":"mbaumann17@comcast.net"},"important":false,"track_opens":true,"track_clicks":true,"auto_text":true,"auto_html":false,"inline_css":true,"url_strip_qs":null,"preserve_recipients":null,"view_content_link":null,"tracking_domain":"https:\/\/www.mhmhomes.com","signing_domain":"https:\/\/www.mhmhomes.com","return_path_domain":null,"tags":["email ask question"],"subaccount":"2295","ok":true}