kjbrazier@yahoo.com says:<\/div>
My great grandma bought 2060 S. Fillmore back in 1920. It was then owned by my grandparents from 1947 until 2012. My grandma and my mom and aunt all grew up at 2060 so of course I spent a lot of time there myself. I would love to share some house history with the new owners if you think they would be ok with that. Is there any way you can share their names with me? I can provide whatever proof you need regarding the house being in my family for nearly 100 years. Thank you! Kathy Brazier<\/div>



Listed: <\/strong>Oct 17, 2024<\/p><\/div><\/td><\/tr>

A quintessential 4-bedroom 3-bath Denver Square, nestled just steps from Observatory Park. This exquisite 1909 home seamlessly blends classic charm and modern elegance. Two stories of timeless design, historic touches and entirely move-in ready with over $120k in stunning upgrades. The main level sets the perfect tone for entertaining, lounging, cooking and dining. Beautifully updated kitchen with...<\/p>


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