Annasalaz@aol.com says:<\/div>
Hi, is this rent amount negotiable with a longer lease. We are looking for a place for 1 1\/2 years a minimum . We moved her from Texas and Want to lease until we decide where to purchase a home in Colorado. Thanks so much. Anna Salazar 903-456-2979\n\nMy daughter owns a home around Sloans so this is our goal to live in this area so if you know of anything else let me know. Thanks so much.<\/div>



Listed: <\/strong>Dec 04, 2024<\/p><\/div><\/td><\/tr>

Luxury Duplex in Sloan''s Lake \/\/ Available NOW - 3 Bed + Office + Loft, 3.5 Bath, 2 Car Garage. || ** SPECIAL OFFER: $3,750 Per Month for the first 6 Months with Lease Starting Jan 1st or Earlier ONLY ** (Long Term Lease \/12+ Months Available &' Preferred) || A prime location takes center stage in this stylish Sloan’s Lake half-duplex characterized by an open floorplan, three ...<\/p>


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