woodward.stephanie2010@yahoo.com says:<\/div>
I would like a little more information on this property. We drove buy it. The house does not look like it is able to be lived in. What type of financing is available on a property like this? There is also a lot of junk on the property. E-mail is my best contact. We are just looking right now but know we want to move to Delta Junction in a couple of years. We are uncertain if purchase land and then build and improve over time or something like this, remove, re-build and improve over the years. Thank you for the information. We are looking to raise a small amount of livestock, have a nice sizeable garden, etc. Again, I appreciate the information. <\/div>



Listed: <\/strong>Sep 02, 2024<\/p><\/div><\/td><\/tr>

Private 20 acres with hay fields and fixer upper home with attached garage. Greenhouse, shop, outdoor boiler. Amazing price for a property this size. Add some sweat equity and have the place you always wanted.<\/p>


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