princessmarsa92@gmail.com says:<\/div>
Hello I'm already in your company and I and my application fee been pay.\nSo like and I had section 8 and I like this spot could we get a schedule showing.this week or Saturday or Sunday\nMy phone number is 2163131829. I think Daryl was handling a lot of my stuff came in another colleague of yours but I like to view this house as soon as possible and I say I don't have to pay any more application fees I've already done all that and you already did your back stuff on me so I'm good I would like to schedule this appointment to see it and I'm going to put in for two more to look at and if we can do that tomorrow either Sunday to be great for me can you contact me at your early convenience or you can contact MS Mister Daryl or Miss Jackson Crystal Jackson is either Daryl Crystal Jackson Crystal 2163131829<\/div>



Listed: <\/strong>Jan 05, 2024<\/p><\/div><\/td><\/tr>

Shaker Heights 2 bedroom 1st floor unit. With full updated bathroom, Large living room with built in and formal dinning room with built in storage, large master suite with access to back porch. Eat in kitchen with countertop stove and wall oven. Shared off street parking.<\/p>


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