princessmarsalis303@gmail.com says:<\/div>
Very much interested in this property I like to look at it tomorrow possible no later than Sunday or whatever your availability will be to look at it I was responding and talking to one of your Realtors named Mr Darrow I'm already registered and fees and everything's already in your database I just need to view these two properties I'll put up Mark the heart so you'll see and I like to be downstairs if you have a single family available I'd like to see you too and as I stated before I do have section 8 and as I say it again we can contact one of your representatives inside your organization his name is Mr Darrow<\/div>



Listed: <\/strong>Jan 05, 2024<\/p><\/div><\/td><\/tr>

Updated and Darling 2 Bedroom Ranch! Interior Updated in Today's Colors! Updated Kitchen Comes with Stove & Refrigerator. Laundry Room with Hook-ups For Your Washer & Dryer. There is a New Roof, New Windows, New Siding. Detached Garage, Fenced Yard and Central Air. Background and Credit Check Required For Anyone Over 18 Living In the House. No Pets, No Smoking, No Government Assisted Programs.<\/p>


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