Jayan P<\/strong> has contacted you from https:\/\/www.danapollardgroup.com.<\/p>Name:<\/strong>
Jayan P<\/p>Email:<\/strong>
Dear Sir\/Madam,\n\nI hope all is well and you're having a great week. I came across your profile on Google and wanted to personally reach out to you regarding a referral partnership.\n\nThe reason I am reaching out to you today is in the spirit of collaboration. It seems like the types of projects you execute are in alignment with our vision as an architectural office.\n\nI'm eager to talk further & discuss how we might form a mutually beneficial partnership where we can refer work to each other. There are many options and approaches we can converse about, and I would value your consideration. If you are available for a 15 minute online call through whatsapp\/google\/skype or zoom, please let me know a good time to schedule the same.\n\nLooking forward to your response!\n\nWarmest Regards,\n\nJayan P - Consultant\nPLACE Designers, Inc.\nwww.placedesigners.com\n211 S Brown St Suite 300,\nRound Rock, TX 78664\n(O): +1 (512) 966-7988\n(M): +1 (323) 366 8310<\/p>
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