
Jarrad Creagan<\/strong> has contacted you from https:\/\/rumblingbald.com.<\/p>

Jarrad Creagan<\/p>




Interested in more of the details on this lot. Why on market so long? We live in AZ but are looking for a piece pf land to build on in the future. What are new build cost avgs in the area?\n\nThank you.<\/p>



Listed: <\/strong>Sep 21, 2024<\/p><\/div><\/td><\/tr>

Amazing Estate Size Lot overlooking Lake Lure and Rumbling Bald's many amenities. Spectacular views possible dependent on placement of your home. This large 1.55 acre lot is almost a stone's throw from the tributary feeding Lake Lure. Encompassing most of the cul-de-sac, this rare building lot offers privacy, views, and several house placement options. Some of the best views of Bald Mountain a...<\/p>


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