scott Johnson<\/strong> has contacted you from https:\/\/<\/p>Name:<\/strong>
scott Johnson<\/p>Email:<\/strong><\/p>Phone:<\/strong>
\nSorry for the interruption. I am looking for work. I used to work on the Google Maps Project, in Playa Vista and I have amazing insights on how Google Maps (GMB) works. I still have friends at Google (wink) I was born and raised in San Fernando Valley and in Venice CA and not some offshore country or some BS. If you are a local business and you are not showing up well or getting the conversions you are looking for I can help.\n--\nI live near Playa Del Rey near the Google Campus where I used to work for the last 2 years. Who knows Covid or AI destroyed my department. I am willing to work on a part time basis until you see how powerful my help can be. Ok there is my spiel and yes I speak English.\n--\nI know this type of advertisement is not the best way of seeking clients, I just do not have the funds or time to spend money on Google adwords, nor do I want to. Google and I do not see eye to eye. That is why I want to help you do well without spending lots of $$$ on Google Adwords or an offshore team that is not doing what they said or what you expected them to do.\n--\nI can send you my Resume and references of people that have taken me up on my offer within the last 30 days. They will speak volumes of my abilities. I will send you my rates, examples of my work, reporting and my services. Fill out the Zoho form below. I use Zoho CRM and other software to send and recieve email and automate business processes. Ask me about Zoho if you need more automation\n\nPlease fill out the simple form above. Only Name, Phone, Email, Website and message, then submit. Faster than you can say Easy peasy lemon squeezy!\n\nhttps:\/\/\/ebrandsforless\/form\/GoogleEX\/formperma\/AH9VZlyWsPtrbb4iOZKB1aI73GtyjOtLg-a4W9enhbw<\/p>
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