
Scott Johnson<\/strong> has contacted you from https:\/\/lorifowlernaplesluxury.com.<\/p>

Scott Johnson<\/p>




Sorry for the interruption. I am looking for work. I used to work on the Google Maps Project, in Playa Vista and I have amazing insights on how Google Maps (GMB) works. I still have friends at Google (wink) I was born and raised in San Fernando Valley and in Venice CA and not some offshore country or some BS. If you are a local business and you are not showing up well or getting the conversions you are looking for I can help.\n\nWhen I exited Google, I still maintain relationships with my coworkers. Here are the top 10 services I can provide:\n\nGMB Marketing\nGOOGLE AND YELP REVIEWS\nWordpress Web Design and Marketing\nCold Email Marketing (hardcore marketing)\nSMS Marketing using my Python built system\nLinkedin Marketing using Automation\nInstagram Mass DM Marketing\nmobile apps \/ programming\nFacebook\/Google Ads\/ LSA \/ GMB\nOutbound \/ Inbound phone lead generation\nZOHO \/ Go High Leve CRM Management, Integration and programming \n----\nFree Link Exchange - Best thing for ranking,\n\n\nPlease fill out this ZOHO Form so I can send you a price list for a detail break down of all of my services and time frame. ZOHO FORM BELOW\n\nhttps:\/\/zfrmz.com\/tCLSh0X9uJB7VRLeyCTX\n\nor email me at scott.johnson.playa@outlook.com\n\nI will send you my price sheet and services\n\nRegards,\n\nScott Johnson\n<\/p>
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