
Scott Johnson<\/strong> has contacted you from https:\/\/lorifowlernaplesluxury.com.<\/p>

Scott Johnson<\/p>




As an Ex-Google Employee working as a Senior Product Manager in Google My Business Department, I know how hard it is for you to rank well with out breaking the bank. \n----\nI have a 90 day guarantee. You will have to book a 15 minute call to hear it. I have Laywers, Dentists, Doctors all ranking well on Google My Business and Organic. I would be happy to show you real life right not examples.\n---\nif you want a list of services, prices and calendar link please click on this link this will redirect you to a Zoho form that will send you my pricing,services and calendar link\nhttps:\/\/zfrmz.com\/tCLSh0X9uJB7VRLeyCTX\n\nif you want off my contact list please email me back your URL\/Domain where I filled out your contact us form to scott.johnson.playa@outlook.com \n\nREGARDS,\n\nScott Johnson\nEx-Google Employee\nPRICING AND SERVICES FORM:\nhttps:\/\/zfrmz.com\/tCLSh0X9uJB7VRLeyCTX<\/p>
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