
Sarah Shomstein<\/strong> has contacted you from https:\/\/www.thomasdbrown.com.<\/p>

Sarah Shomstein<\/p>




Hello, We are a group of 3 families (4 adults, 5 children) and are looking for accommodations at the Outer Cape for Octo 9th-14th. We've been told that we are courteous and considerate, and clean. \nPlease let me know what properties you have available for our dates. Thank you! Sarah<\/p>



Listed: <\/strong>Sep 12, 2024<\/p><\/div><\/td><\/tr>

Situated in Cobb Farm this dog-friendly home is very close to Ryder Beach and now offers partial air conditioning. Cobb Farm offers association tennis courts and a private association bayside beach with a beach stairway leading from the bluff down to the sandy beach. The beach access is a 1\/3 mile walk from the house; the tennis court is closer. This is a private four-bedroom home with a third-flo...<\/p>


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