
Phyllis Shimoda<\/strong> has contacted you from https:\/\/www.thomasdbrown.com.<\/p>

Phyllis Shimoda<\/p>




Hi, We rented the same house on Hatch Rd. in Truro for 24 years. The owner is nearing 90 and it has become too difficult to for her move out to her other antique home in South Truro. We would like to find another home away from home for 3 weeks starting July19\/20. AC is a priority. There would be my husband and I, our daughter and her husband and their child. Our son-in-law often works one week and this set up is good. The other home is 3 Swale Rd. Thank you, Phyllis Shimoda<\/p>



Listed: <\/strong>Nov 08, 2024<\/p><\/div><\/td><\/tr>

Bay and sunset views, close to Cold Storage Beach. The expansive screen porch has direct access from the kitchen and has comfortable, casual furniture, a large dining table, a gas grill, and stairs to the upper deck. This is definitely an outdoor room that is fabulous. The three-bedroom, 3-bath home is an inviting and comfortable vacation retreat where you will want to return year after year. Ai...<\/p>


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