
Dear Gary Bala<\/p>

To log into Rover, select the Login<\/strong> dropdown from Login \/ Register<\/strong> at the top right of the vetshelpingvetsrealestate.com web page.<\/p>
username: <\/td> gary.bala@comcast.net<\/b><\/td><\/tr>
   password: <\/td>4fzpt1jx<\/b><\/td><\/tr><\/table>

Notice that the Login \/ Register button now says gary.bala@comcast.net. When you click on this button while logged in, you will see your Control Panel<\/strong>.<\/p>

The Control Panel<\/strong> allows you to see what is happening with your clients.<\/p><\/p>

- You can change your Rover password from your Control Panel<\/strong>. Go to the My Settings<\/strong> tab - select Change My Password<\/strong>.<\/p>

- You can also register clients from your Control Panel<\/strong>.<\/p>

- Clients can register themselves on your website, by clicking Login \/ Register<\/strong> There is a choice for which agent they are working with.<\/p>

- You can track what clients are viewing on your website, both anonymous and logged in users. Go to the Activity Logs<\/strong> tab.<\/p>


- You do not need to Logout. Rover will remember you each time you visit the website from this computer.<\/p>

- If you log in from another computer, you will be logged out of any other computer.<\/p>
Thank you,
Rover IDX<\/a><\/div>","text":null,"subject":"Welcome to vetshelpingvetsrealestate.com","from_email":"Info@RoverIDX.com","from_name":"Info@RoverIDX.com","to":[{"email":"gary.bala@comcast.net","type":"to"}],"headers":{"Reply-To":null},"important":false,"track_opens":true,"track_clicks":true,"auto_text":true,"auto_html":false,"inline_css":true,"url_strip_qs":null,"preserve_recipients":null,"view_content_link":null,"tracking_domain":"https:\/\/vetshelpingvetsrealestate.com","signing_domain":"https:\/\/vetshelpingvetsrealestate.com","return_path_domain":null,"tags":["new agent"],"subaccount":"2977","ok":true}