ohrman@msn.com says:<\/div>
Do the sellers have a location\/home in Florida? We have a 1 year new home in South Tampa (Parrish) we would move from to obtain this property. It is located within Del Webb Bayview.<\/div>



Listed: <\/strong>Aug 29, 2024<\/p><\/div><\/td><\/tr>

PRICE REDUCTION! MOTIVATED SELLERS! \r\rThey are relocating to Florida to be closer to their grandkids and family. They are open to all offers, so bring yours today! Sellers replaced the roof in 2023, the HVAC in 2017 and the grinder pump in 2017. The solar panels were installed in 2017 and have been paid off. The red UTV affectionately known by the sellers as Annabelle is included with the sale ...<\/p>


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