
Max Greenky<\/strong> has contacted you from https:\/\/newyorkland.forsale.<\/p>

Max Greenky<\/p>



Would like to schedule a showing<\/span><\/p>

Hi Allen,\n\nMy name is max, and I live very close this property. I use it regularly to run and walk my dogs. I would be interested in finding out more about the sale and who owns it now as well as the adjacent trail.\n\nI look forward to hearing from you,\n\nBest,\n\nMax <\/p>



Listed: <\/strong>Sep 16, 2024<\/p><\/div><\/td><\/tr>

Over 6 acre recreational and potential building site. 200' Road frontage (yet narrow strip). Town approval required to use as building lot. If you are looking for a unique building lot potential- this could be an ideal opportunity for a tiny home ( town approval required ) or excellent recreational trail for hikes etc. or expand your existing property ( adjoining lots ).<\/p>


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