
Scott Johnson<\/strong> has contacted you from https:\/\/janasellstahoe.com.<\/p>

Scott Johnson<\/p>





\nSorry for the interruption (again). I am looking for work. I used to work on the Google Maps Project and have amazing insights on how it works. I was born and raised in Venice CA and not some offshore bull. If you are a local business and you are not showing up well, I can help.\n

\nI live in playa del rey near the Google Campus where I used to work. I am willing to work at Mcdonalds level wages until you see how powerful my help can be. Ok there is my spiel and yes I speak English.\n

\nI know this type of advertisement is well low form, I just do not have the funds or time to spend money on Google, nor do I want to. Google and I do not see eye to eye. That is why I want to help you do well without spending lots of $$$ on Google.\n

\nEmail me at: scott.johnson.playa@outlook.com \n
\nI have ranked the following: Dentist, Doctors, Landscape Companies, Garage Door, Personal Injury Lawyers, Medical Devices, PPE Gloves, Car Repair and a few others. I have the latest database info from Google so pleae while the Iron is hot.\n\n<\/p>
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