
Daniel Coats<\/strong> has contacted you from https:\/\/desertlifestyleproperties.com.<\/p>

Daniel Coats<\/p>




I have a few questions about this property: \n - Does it have utilities available?\n - Is this property part of a homeowners' association?\n - Is it available for cash purchase?\n - Can a mobile home be located on this lot? \n - Is there the possibility of counteroffering to buy part but not all of the property since it's a rather large lot?\n\nGive me a call or respond by email to daniel.r.coats@gmail.com. <\/p>



Listed: <\/strong>Sep 18, 2024<\/p><\/div><\/td><\/tr>

Situated in Yucca Valley, this property offers easy access to nearby attractions such as Joshua Tree National Park and Pioneertown.Accessible via well-maintained roads, the property is conveniently located near Highway 62, providing quick connections to neighboring towns and cities.Whether you're seeking a serene escape from the urban hustle or looking to invest in the burgeoning High Desert real ...<\/p>


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