
Bill Oelrich<\/strong> has contacted you from https:\/\/islandviewrealty.com.<\/p>

Bill Oelrich<\/p>



Would like to schedule a showing<\/span><\/p>

Hi, wondering if we can look at the building this weekend? We have a cabin on Rainy and looking for some investment property. For disclosure purposes, I am a licensed real estate agent in MN. My license is with The Calhoun Companies. Please give me a call!<\/p>



Listed: <\/strong>Sep 27, 2024<\/p><\/div><\/td><\/tr>

Prominent downtown Main Street Commercial Bldg. that sits front and center in the hub of the Falls business district. Operated for more than 25 years as the beloved State Farm Insurance Office. Time for the owner to present this historic 1937 bldg. for the next entrepreneur to treasure and create one’s own unique sphere of influence for International Falls! The current set up of the main flo...<\/p>


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